How to save money and travel more


January is here with all its new beginning and resolutions. Well, I have one simple goal this year to save money and travel more.

Oscar and I are planning to long-term travel again in 2019 so 2018 is ALL about saving every single penny. We haven’t planned our whole adventure yet but I do have a few long-haul flights to pay for as well as some once in a lifetime experience’s I want to tick off our bucket list.

Top of our list is visiting The Galapagos Islands, Oscar is an avid Octonauts fan, a cartoon mainly centered around marine biology so I figured that would be the perfect place.  I would like to take the National Geographic Explorer to Antarctica, it’s a big wish I know but I’m all for setting some big goals, also climate change and the fact it may not be there by the time Oscar is an adult. As a single parent I’m no stranger to budgeting but my mind often goes to “How do I make more money?” rather than how can I save the money I already have. I decided to ask the people who know a few things about Family Travel. The incredible Family Travel community that I am lucky to be a part of.

THE MINDSET – How to save money and travel more

I have discussed mindset a few times on the site, mainly on the subject of traveling long-haul HERE. as well as for a few other articles. I’m going to mention it again because committing to saving for travel takes a very disciplined and consistent mindset. If you’re stubborn like me, you have finally found a benefit to this unattractive quality! A number of travel families agree…

Bec @ Wylde Family Travel“Do I want that? Do I need that?”

This is hands down the best advice out there. We are at the mercy of our own choices when it comes to financial choices. If you are living in the West or in a developed country then companies are paying millions to get you to spend spend spend. So when you start your new saving strategy start every purchase with the above question. I guarantee your impulse to spend will dampen. For more tips from the Wylde’s click HERE.

April @ Globe Trotting Grommets – “Open a dedicated savings account which you can set up an automatic transfer from your main account”

Just did this, forgot all about the rush of watching my savings account grow. If you have an online bank like me then this is incredibly simple and only 1 click away, sooo what are you waiting for? For more tips on savings from a family of Perth based traveling family click HERE.

Vanessa @ Wanderlust Crew“Sign up for Acorns. It’s an easy app that connects to your bank account and rounds up your purchases. So if you’re spending $40.75, Acorns will deposit 25 cents into your Acorns account”

I had never heard of this company, I’m always a little skeptical about sign ups but I love the principal. Why not do this with a small coin purse and your physical purchases too. When you get change back, pop it in another purse. A simple and small way that will add up over time. Wanderlust Crew is a family of 6! They know a thing or two about saving and traveling as a large family. For a roundup of their top tips click HERE.

DAILY TIPS – Save money and travel more

Karen Edwards @ Travel Mad Mum” I think having an air miles credit card is vital for us to be able to afford to get to otherwise hard to reach destinations. Using the benefits of a companion voucher that we receive when we spend over 10K a year makes long-haul flights more affordable. For example, flights to Bermuda from the UK are ordinarily 2K, we spent €800 for all of us with one voucher.”

I couldn’t agree more, for years I had an American Express Platinum card (not sponsored post) that allowed me to save my miles for transfers to partners such as Starwood Hotels, British Airways One World program as well as Virgin Atlantic Frequent Flyer programs. Oscar and I have been able to afford upgrades on long-haul flights as well as the occasional fancy hotel or even a free nights stay in expensive cities such as New York or London.

Evie @ Mum Pack Travel“SELL YOUR STUFF! When I was packing up the house I discovered so much stuff we had never even used – everything from shoes and clothes to toys, kitchen, and dining ware. I had two market stalls at the local markets, making over $1000″

Wow, 1000€ would certainly help towards a big ticket item such as a flight or accommodation. Why not plan a table top sale or a sale for friends at home. We use a ton of sites to make some extra cash including Facebook groups, eBay and the like. For an incredible arsenal of Mum Pack Travel tips click HERE.

Bron @ Smith Holiday Road“Why not have a staycation in your own hometown with all the things you love about being overseas, like cooking an exotic meal.”

I know I know it’s not strictly a savings tip but sometimes all this saving talk can get me down and I just loved Bron’s positive spin on it all. Staying at home and saving for a big travel goal can be fun too and a great learning experience. Check out her fun post HERE.

Kirsty @ Travel With Meraki – “Have an at home movie and popcorn night rather than heading out to the cinema”

Another great pick me up, just when you’re getting all fed up of being Scrooge you can put on a great movie night with the family for half the price, we often combine Bron and Kirsty’s tips and cook something special or unusual and rent a blockbuster movie. More of Kirsty’s family travels can be found HERE.

ON THE GO – Save money and travel more

Saving money while you are traveling is a big part of traveling more. I had never been away on trips without coming back totally broke until I had Oscar with me. If you don’t splurge every time you go away its less of an effort to save again. Here are some excellent ways to save money as a family while you travel too.

Eric @Travel Babbo  – “Always pack a linen towel and a Frisbee, and throw them into your backpack every day. The towel is great if anyone gets wet, say running through a random fountain, but it’s also perfect as a picnic blanket. When you’re walking around, pick up some bread, meats, and fruit, and then when you get to a park stop, relax, throw the Frisbee around, have lunch, and get a second wind. Exploring can be exhausting for kids. Give them some play time in the middle of it, and avoid a sit-down restaurant in the process!”

We are big picnic fans. Avoiding expensive tourist trap restaurants is essential if you want to travel more or longer. I always have a fold away freezer bag in my suitcase. You can use it for packing and then reuse it for picnics. As Eric mentioned to me later it also beats waiting forever for the check to come which is something I always dread at the end of a busy sightseeing day.For more of Eric’s travel adventures take a look HERE

MY WELL TRAVELED FRIENDS TOP TIPS – Save money and travel more
  1. Make your own coffee to go.
  2. Always carry a water bottle
  3. Don’t cave into kids treats, bring your own to avoid disappointment and unnecessary expense.
  4. Buy one Birthday and Christmas present for your child.
  5. Get a bike if you can, save money and get fit at the same time.
  6. Rent your apartment when you are away even if it’s just for the weekend.
  7. Trade clothes and services with friends as much as you can.
  8. Pay cash for everything, you will soon stop wanting to walk to the ATM
  9. Prepare a weekly meal plan and stick to it.
  10. Cancel unnecessary services, Netflix, Spotify, Dropbox, iCloud. That’s 40€ a month saved right there.



Photo Credit Eric Stoen: with our Frisbee in the Maldives.



PIN ME FOR LATER – Save Money and Travel More

MyWellTraveledFriend: My name is Anna Su and I'm a solo mum slow traveling the world with my son Oscar Chang. We are making memories, chasing adventure, enjoying beautiful things and indulging in our time together. We hope we inspire you and make you laugh along the way. For collaborations please contact us at hello@mywelltraveledfriend.com
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